Ex-Mr. Prime Carmen Electra can teach you a lot of marketing and bettering your craft.
If you're like me and a lot of other people, then you've watched Netflix's current reigning #1 program, The Last Dance.
Even though I'm a diehard NBA fan (#GnGgrizzlies) I definitely don't think it's the greatest basketball documentary ever created. Actually, sometimes I find myself asking who it's really for or if what I'm watching is really "secret and never-before-seen footage".
At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter.
I've enjoyed it.
And though the doc centers around Michael Jordan and how big of a beast he was...
My favorite part had nothing to do with His Airness.
In episode 3, it focuses on Dennis Rodman's rise from homeless teen to winning championships with the Detroit Pistons, to eventually being an anchor for MJ's Bulls. Of course, the doc also covers how crazy of a dude he was/is and his wild antics...
Like the time Jordan flew to Vegas to drag Rodman's ass out of bed to rejoin the team after a few-days bender, while Carmen Electra hid under the sheets.
I love it.
But, the best part of the segment other than his antics was about just how ridiculously dedicated he was with practicing his craft.
He didn't have MJ-level scoring, Scottie Pippen's defense, Patrick Ewing's low post moves, Larry Bird's three-point shot, or Magic Johnson's smooth passing...In fact, he only averaged more than 10 points a game ONE TIME his entire career...
BUT he was an elite rebounder.
And for a good reason he too.
He tells a story about how he'd wake up at 3am and force teammates to go to the gym and just shoot while he rebounded and watched how the ball would move.
It's inspiring to hear him explain how he perfected his rebounding:
"I'd just sit there and react, react. I just practiced a lot about the angle of the ball and the trajectory of it. You got a Larry Bird, it's gonna spin. You got a Magic, it'll maybe spin. When Michael shoot over here, I position myself right there. Now it hit the rim, it's boom. Click, go back this way. Boom, here, here. Click, go that way. Boom, that way. Click here, this way. So basically I just start learning how to put myself in a position to get the ball."
Later on, you actually see him looking over notes and watching game film of all-star Mitch Richmond to understand how he shoots the ball.

Imagine if you took the same dedication that Rodman had and implemented it to your craft...
As a copywriter and email strategist, the above quote can be adjusted to what do...
"I'd just sit there and write and test. I just practiced a lot about leads, readability, offers, and sequences. You got a Headline, it's gonna grab their attention. You got a Sequence, it'll maybe be good mention benefits. When it's a product launch, this is the best formula. Now if no one reads this email, it's boom. Retarget. Test. Change things up. So basically I just start learning how to make it better."
Maybe I'm just so thirsty to watch basketball I'd give up my entire writing career just to watch a damn layup...
But I thought Rodman had an awesome part in the doc and I had to share because of the pure inspiration I got from it. It's stunning how practicing ONE THING over and over again can be enough to transform you into an absolute legend.
So, if you had to pick...
What would be the one thing that you'd try to perfect and be known for in your work?
Send me an email and let me know.
I'd love to hear from you anyways.
email: francis@storiesandcopy.com